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Angela Wolf begins a beautiful jacket that will be completed by the end of the series.

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Preparing the Jacket for Cutting:
Preshrink the Fabric:

  • Make sure to pre-shrink your fabric by either taking it to the dry cleaner’s for “steam pressing” or if you plan on washing and drying your jacket, you need to do the same to your fabric before you cut.

Layout the Pattern for Cutting: 

  • If you plan on folding the fabric, make sure to line up grainlines crosswise and lengthwise.  DO NOT depend on your selvage!
  • Make sure to line up all the grainlines on the pattern with the fabric. 
  • If your fabric is a plaid, striped, or has a pattern you might consider cutting your pattern with one layer of fabric. 
  • Make sure to line up your hemlines with the pattern and line up your underarm seam on the jacket pattern pieces with the underarm on the sleeve pattern. 

Sewing Machine Featured in this Segment:
Innov-is VM6200D Dreamweaver XE

Host: Angela Wolf

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