Narrow Hem Techniques – Linda Lee
Baby Hem
1. Mark the finished hem length of the garment.
2. Staystitch along the finished hem line.
3. Fold the hem to the wrong side along the staystitching line. Move the needle position to the left and edgestitch close to the fold.
4. Trim the excess hem allowance close to the stitching.
5. Fold the hem again forming a very narrow hem (about 1/8”) and edgestitch next to the fold.
Shirtail Hem
1. Staystitch ½” from the raw edge of the hem allowance.
2. Press ½” to the wrong side, using the staystitching as the pressing guide.
3. Finger fold the hem one more time ½”. Insert the folded hem under the presser foot.
4. Using an edgestitch foot and moving the needle position, topstitch the hem in place next to the inner fold, folding as your sew. Do not press the second fold in place.
Option 2 – Using a double needle, topstitch the hem in place. Use a walking foot or a paper stabilizer underneath.
Option 3 – Use a 2-thread cover stitch on a serger to topstitch the hem in place.
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